The Simple Truth


Demonstrates the accuracy & reliability of the Bible.

Reveals the cosmic struggle between good and evil that began with Lucifer’s fall in heaven.

Salvation is the gift of God by grace alone through faith alone.

Keeping the law is necessary, not in order to be saved, but because we are are saved.

Teaches the importance of Biblical baptism in the water and in the Spirit.

Jesus instituted the Sabbath, kept the Sabbath, and gifted it to us.

Reveals the identity of the antichrist and his deceptions.

The second coming of Jesus is imminent, literal, visible, audible, and glorious.

Man doesn’t possess natural immortality. Life is in Jesus Christ alone.

Demonstrates what Jesus is doing during the investigative judgment.

The millennium begins with the second coming and is a period of judgment of the wicked.

Hell is a temporal and punitive judgment upon the ungodly and unrepentant.

Help people understand that everything belongs to God, our time, talents, temple, and tithes.

Know what the Mark of the Beast is – and choose Jesus and His seal.

The United States of America will form and image to the beast and play an important role in end-time prophecy.

The Sanctuary system pointed forward to Jesus our Lamb and Priest.

Jesus came right on time. See exactly when the Type became Anti-type. 

Know the exact year the pre-Advent judgment began.

Discover how we can know what is God’s true church. 

Prophets are God’s chosen method to communicate to His people.