1000 YEARS

1 – How many resurrections are there? John 5:28-29 

Jesus taught there are two separate resurrections. The first is the resurrection of life for the saved and the second is the resurrection of condemnation for the lost. 

2 – When is the first resurrection? 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 

The second coming is the event that brings about the resurrection of life (see Second Coming study). This is the beginning of a period called the “thousand years” (Revelation 20:2). 

3 – When is the second resurrection? Revelation 20:4-5

The resurrection of condemnation takes place at the end of the thousand years. 

4 – Where are the saved during the 1000 years? Revelation 20:4

During the thousand years, God involves His people in a judgement of the wicked and fallen angels (1 Corinthians 6:2-3).

5 – Where is Satan during the 1000 years? Revelation 20:1-3

Satan is bound to the earth with no one to deceive. The wicked are dead, awaiting the resurrection of condemnation. Satan and his angels are left alone to anticipate their final judgement.

6 – What happens at the end of the 1000 years? Revelation 21:2

God’s people descend from heaven to Earth in the holy city, the new Jerusalem.

7 – What happens at the second resurrection? Rev 20:7 – 21:1

The resurrection of condemnation releases Satan from his prison because there are now people to deceive, he convinces them to attack the holy city. However, as they try to do so, they are destroyed by fire from heaven. This is what the Bible calls the “second death” (vs.14). After this fire has finished, God restores the earth and makes it new. 

God desires all to be a part of the resurrection of life. Would you like to choose today to be a part of this resurrection?