2300 DAYS

1 – How was the sanctuary cleansed? Leviticus 16:8-9, 15-16

The Day of Atonement was the conclusion of the Jewish sacrificial year. All throughout the year, sins were symbolically being moved into the sanctuary. However, on the Day of Atonement, all those confessed sins were forever removed. After the Lord’s goat was sacrificed, the High Priest sprinkled the blood from the mercy seat in the Most Holy Place to the outer court. Through this act, the High Priest cleansed the sanctuary.

2 – What does Daniel see in the vision? Daniel 8:3-14

In two previous studies, (see The Bible & Antichrist study) we have seen a prophetic sequence of major earthly kingdoms. This same sequence (Medo-Persia, Greece, Pagan Rome & Papal Rome) is repeated again in Daniel 8, except this sequence includes a time prophecy about the cleansing of the sanctuary in heaven (Hebrews 8:2).

3 – What part of the vision was not explained? Daniel 8:19-26 

The angel came to help Daniel understand the vision, and described the meaning behind each of the beasts. The vision is made plain except for one part; the cleansing of the sanctuary, which was sealed for “many days in the future” (vs.26). 

4 – What was Daniel’s response? Daniel 8:27

At the end of the chapter, neither Daniel nor anyone else understood the time prophecy. As a result, Daniel was sick and deeply distressed. This led him to seek the answer in prayer as can be seen in chapter 9.

5 – How did God provide understanding? Daniel 9:21-22

After Daniel prayed (Daniel 9:3), God sent the angel, Gabriel, to give Daniel understanding. He began by sharing the 70 week prophecy about the coming Messiah (see 70 Week study). Both of these prophecies have the same starting date; the decree to restore and rebuild Jerusalem in 457 B.C..

Note: Using the day for a year principle (Ezekiel 4:6 Number 14:34), 2300 years from the year 457 B.C. leads to 1844 A.D. when the cleansing of the sanctuary would begin. 

6 – What began in 1844? Daniel 7:9-10, 13-14

Since 1844, Jesus has been cleansing the heavenly sanctuary, just as with the Day of Atonement in the Old Testament. This is a time of judgement where God is blotting out the record of sins committed by those who are sincerely in Jesus. (See Pre-advent Judgment study).

Is it your desire to commit your life into the hands of your faithful High Priest, Jesus?