1 – What is this prophecy about? Daniel 9:24

This prophecy is about a prophetic time period (70 weeks) for Daniel’s people (Israel). These 70 weeks are equivalent to 490 literal years when applying the day for a year principle (Ezekiel 4:6 Number 14:34).

2 – When would the Messiah come? Daniel 9:25

The decree to restore and rebuild Jerusalem was given in the seventh year of King Artaxerxes reign (Ezra 7:7) in 457 B.C.. Exactly 483 years after this date, Messiah would be anointed and begin His ministry in 27 A.D..

Note: 69 prophetic weeks are equivalent to 483 literal years. 

3 – When did the Messiah come? Luke 3:21-22, 1

Jesus, the Messiah, came right on time. He was anointed at His baptism (Acts 10:37-38) in the 15th year of the reign of Tiberius Caesar which was 27 A.D.. When Jesus began His ministry, He referred to Daniel’s prophecy by declaring “the time is fulfilled!” (Mark 1:15).

4 – What would happen to the Messiah? Daniel 9:26-27

In the middle of the week, the Messiah would be cut off. That is, 3 ½ years into the final 7 years of the prophecy, Jesus would be crucified. This would bring an end to the sacrificial system in 31 A.D. when Jesus died (see Matthew 27:50-51). 

5 – What happened at the end of 490 years? Acts 7:59, 8:1, 4

Stephen appealed to the Sanhedrin (the highest Jewish authority), to repent and accept Jesus. Instead, they rejected this appeal and stoned him. Their time of probation as a chosen nation had come to an end. Now we find that it is the church who is the “chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people” (1 Peter 2:9).

Note: God has not rejected or cursed Jewish people. Just like with every people group, He desires to save every Jew who accepts Him as Lord and Saviour (Romans 2:10-11).

6 – Why did God give this prophecy to Daniel? Daniel 9:21-23

This prophecy forms a part of a larger prophecy found in Daniel Chapter 8. God used this 70-week prophecy to bring understanding to that prophecy.

Jesus arrived right on time; there can be no other saviour. Are you willing to surrender your doubts and trust completely in Him?