1 – What happens before Jesus returns? 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4

Before the return of Jesus, there will be a “falling away” (vs.3) from within Christianity through the “man of sin” or “son of perdition” (vs.3). These are just some of the names attributed to the Antichrist of the Bible. The Antichrist is a “Christian” power that puts itself in the place of Christ.

2 – What does Daniel see coming out of the sea? Daniel 7:3-7

Daniel sees four beasts. The first is a lion with eagle’s wings, the second is a bear with three ribs in its mouth, the third is a leopard with four heads and wings, and the fourth beast is “dreadful and terrible” and has “ten horns” (vs.7). 

3 – What do these beasts represent? Daniel 7:17

These beasts symbolise the four kingdoms mentioned in Daniel 2: Babylon (lion), Medo-Persia (bear), Greece (leopard), Rome (fourth beast) and Europe (ten horns). In this vision, Daniel reiterates earlier details but adds new information. (See image below).

4 – What is new in this vision? Daniel 7:8

Daniel sees a little horn arising, which is different from all the others. This little horn represents the Antichrist.

5 – Who is the Antichrist? Daniel 7:8, 24-25

  1. “Another shall arise after them…” (vs.24). The Antichrist arises after the division of Rome which took place by 476 A.D.
  2. “Coming up among them…” (vs.8). The Antichrist comes from the divided Roman empire (Europe).
  3. “Shall subdue three kings…” (vs.24). Three kingdoms are destroyed as the Antichrist rises to power.
  4. “He shall speak pompous words against the Most High…” (vs.25). The Antichrist is a blasphemous power (Mark 2:7 & John 10:33). The biblical definition of blasphemy is claiming characteristics and actions that belong only to God (e.g. claiming to be able to forgive sins).
  5. “Persecute[s] the saints of the Most High…” (vs.25). The Antichrist persecutes God’s true followers.
  6. “Intend to change times and law…” (vs.25). The Antichrist tries to change the Ten Commandments, particularly the one that relates to time, i.e. the Sabbath.
  7. “For a time and times and half a time…” (vs.25). The Bible employs the “day for a year” principle in prophecy (Ezekiel 4:6; Numbers 14:34), making this a 1260-year period in which the Antichrist’s power reigns. 

There is only one power in history that fits all of these points – the Roman Catholic Church/State 

6 – Who will the Antichrist deceive? 2 Thessalonians 2:9-10

The antichrist will deceive those who do not have a “love of the truth” (vs.10). Having a love for the truth means we make the Bible the only foundation for our lives and bring everything into alignment with it. 

Satan has used the Antichrist to deceive and confuse many people, but God is leading His people back to the Bible. Will you make His word the only authority for your life?