1 – Is baptism important? Mark 16:15-16

Yes! Jesus stresses that baptism is a necessary step for someone who wants to follow Him.

2 – What does baptism look like? Matthew 3:16-17 

When Jesus was baptised He “came up immediately from the water” (vs.16), which implies He was first fully immersed in the water. Baptism is being completely covered under water.

3 – What does baptism symbolise? Romans 6:3-6

Baptism unites us in the death and resurrection of Jesus. There is nothing miraculous about the water, nor does it mean we will never sin again. Rather, it illustrates our past has been washed away and we now have a new beginning in Christ.

4 – What else happens when you are baptised? Acts 2:41-42, 47

Those who were baptised in Acts were “added to the church” (vs.47). In choosing to be baptised, we are not only choosing Jesus, but also His family; the church. Biblical baptism is always connected to a community of faith. 

5 – When is someone ready to be baptised? Acts 2:37-38

If you understand the truth and repent, then you are ready for baptism. 

Note: Repentance is turning away from sin and aligning your life with God’s will.

6 – If you are ready, should you wait? Acts 22:16

No. Once you see the importance of following Jesus, you shouldn’t wait or allow anything to stop you from making this decision.

Baptism should be a priority. There may be things to learn before baptism, but there should be no delay in getting started. Is it your desire to follow Jesus with all your heart and commit your life to Him through baptism?