1 – Why is a third of the Bible prophecy? John 13:19

God has given us prophecy so we have evidence to rest our faith upon. 

2 – What was the king’s dream? Daniel 2:31-35

Daniel tells the king he dreamed of a great image (statue) of a man, made of different metals. This statue was then entirely destroyed and replaced by a stone that was “cut without hands” (vs.34).

3 – What do the different metals represent? Daniel 2:36-40

Daniel tells the king, “You are a king of kings; you are this head of gold” (vs.38). The head of gold represents the world empire of Babylon, which conquered Jerusalem in 605 B.C.

“Another kingdom” (vs.39), the Persian empire (silver), conquered Babylon in 539 B.C. under the rulership of King Darius.

“A third kingdom… over all the earth” (vs.39), the Greeks (bronze), conquered the Persians at the Battle of Arbela in 331 B.C. under the leadership of Alexander the Great, becoming the next world empire.

“The fourth kingdom… like iron…” (vs.40) was the empire of Rome, which defeated Greece at the Battle of Pydna in 168 B.C.. The Romans ruled the world during the time of Christ.

simple truth

4 – What came after Rome? Daniel 2:41-43

Rome was not conquered, but was divided by Germanic tribes from the north. The breakup of Rome was completed in 476 A.D.. The divisions of the empire into the eastern and western sections formed the foundation of the nations located in Europe today: the Alemanni (Germans); Burgundians (Swiss); Franks (French); Lombards (Italians); Saxons (English); Suevi (Portuguese); Visigoths (Spanish); Heruli, Ostrogoths, & Vandals (extinct).

These seven prophetic words, “They will not adhere one to another” (vs.43) have stopped every would-be conqueror of Europe throughout the centuries. Political leaders such as Charlemagne, Charles V, Louis XIV, Napoleon, Hitler, and Stalin have all tried to unite Europe. Each one has desperately failed.

5 – How will this current kingdom end? Daniel 2:44-45

The rock represents the coming kingdom of God. Soon this world, as we know it, will end. All wickedness, evil, and rebellion will be gone forever. The forces of evil will be crushed, destroyed, and broken in pieces. God will establish His everlasting kingdom forever. “The dream is certain, and its interpretation sure” (vs.45).

6 – How did King Nebuchadnezzar respond? Daniel 2:46-47

He believed. Jesus said that when you see prophecy being fulfilled, you will believe. Today you have seen prophecy fulfilled. What will your response be?

Will you choose to believe the Bible is true and spend time in the Word of God?