1 – What does Jesus bring when He returns? Revelation 22:12

When Jesus comes again, He is bringing rewards with Him. This means there is a process that determines what rewards are received before He returns. This process is called the pre-advent judgement.

2 – When does this pre-advent judgement begin? Daniel 7:21-22

This judgement, which is in favour of God’s people, is His response to the Antichrist (the little horn) and takes place after it loses its power, sometime after 1798 (see Antichrist study). 

3 – What’s the standard of God’s judgement? Ecclesiastes 12:13-14

The Ten Commandments are the objective standard of righteousness where all things are to be measured. It is the perfect standard which none of us have lived up to.

4 – What happens during this judgement? Daniel 7:9-10, 13-14

These books contain the record of our lives (Revelation 20:12) and are opened before the angels and the Ancient of Days. They reveal “every secret thing, whether good or evil” (Ecclesiastes 12:14). At first, this may appear to be bad news given “all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23), but then one “like the Son of Man” (vs.13) enters the judgement and turns it in our favour. All who are sincerely in Jesus inherit the kingdom of God.

5 – Why is such a judgement needed? 1 John 2:3-6

Not everyone who professes Christ is in Christ. This is a direct result of the work of the Antichrist. True followers will always strive to align their life with their profession. This judgement measures sincerity not perfection.

6 – What is the result of this judgement? Daniel 7:27

God’s people receive His Kingdom because the judgement revealed that they are in Jesus.

None of us can hope to pass the judgement without Jesus. He is the only one who can cleanse, change and defend us. Are you willing by God’s grace to surrender everything to Jesus?