1 – What did Jesus promise His followers? John 14:1-3

Jesus promised He will return and take us to be with Him in heaven.

2 – How will Jesus return? Acts 1:9-11

The angels told the disciples Jesus would return in the same way He left. The disciples “watched” (vs.9) and “looked steadfastly toward heaven” (vs.10) until Jesus was taken “out of their sight” (vs.9). Jesus’ return is a literal event. 

3 – Who will be able to see Jesus return? Revelation 1:7

Jesus’ return will be seen by every person on earth. It will not be a secret. 

4 – How many will hear Him? 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 

Everyone, even the dead believers in Jesus will hear “a shout…the voice of an archangel, and…the trumpet of God” (vs.16).

Note: Jesus won’t touch the ground when He returns. 

5 – Who is coming with Jesus? Matthew 25:31 

Jesus will be accompanied by all the angels of heaven. 

6 – Do we know when this day will be? Matthew 24:36

No. The Bible also uses the analogy of a thief to describe the second coming (2 Peter 3:10). A thief does not tell you when they are going to rob you. 

7 – How can we prepare for this day? Matthew 24:44

Jesus tells us to stay ready because the second coming is an event many will not expect. 

Do you want to be ready for Jesus’ return?