1 – How can we identify the second beast? Revelation 13:10-11

  • It arises sometime around 1798

This new power emerges around the time the papacy goes into captivity in 1798 (vs.11). 

  • It comes up in an unpopulated part of the world

In Bible prophecy, waters symbolise populated areas (Revelation 17:15). This beast rises up out of the earth, the very opposite of the sea, thus representing an unpopulated area.

  • It is a Christian nation 

While the first beast (papacy) is pagan in appearance (Revelation 13:2) this beast is like a lamb, the most common symbol of Jesus. Although this beast is not Christ-like, it initially appears to be so.  

  • It is a country without a king

The first beast has crowns on his horns (Revelation 13:1), while the second beast has none. Instead of a king, this power would be governed by two principles.

Around the time the papacy went into captivity in 1798, the United States of America was forming as a fledgling nation, growing from a very small beginning to a position of worldwide power. It grew out of a remote area where no nation had existed before, and was established upon two principles, republicanism (a country without a king) and protestantism (a church without a pope). This prophecy clearly points to the rise of the United States of America. 

2 – What will the USA do? Revelation 13:12-17

The USA will behave like the papacy did in the Dark Ages. The essence of the papacy is its church-state union. Although the USA arose as a nation that kept its two governing principles (church and state) separate, this prophecy predicts America will revert to an image of the papacy by uniting church and state once again. In time, religious liberty will soon be followed by religious oppression in order to enforce Sunday observance (see Mark of the Beast study).

3 – How does God call us to follow him? Jeremiah 31:3

In contrast to Satan, God draws us with His love. True obedience cannot be coerced, it must be motivated by love. 

Christ never coerces the will. God only wants worship that is freely given. Will you choose to worship Jesus today?